Faith Hope and Love
God give us a mustard seed of faith
To remove the mountains of
doubt we face,
Ship-wrecked and storm-tossed
our barges be
By the winds and waves
of this life's sea:
Oh may such faith in
our heart's abide,
That we safely walk to
the Master's side.
When those professing
to be His own
Are divided by opinions,
each making his known,
Oh, let us hope and let us pray
That by following His word,
casting opinions away,
We help answer the prayer
of God's own Son,
That His church, His children
might all be one.
But greater than faith
and hope together
Is the love that makes
each soul our brother.
The strongest bond is that of love,
Between men on earth
and God above,
In a sin-sick world
of sin and strife,
God give us faith,
hope and love in Life.
Prayer of Guidance
Lord give me a mustard seed of faith
To walk the pathway straight,
Steep and rugged though it be,
The path to the open gate.
Lord hold my hand and guide my feet,
Lest I should fall or stray.
Hold me fast and lead me on
Day after day.
(Author: Dollie Sachleben)
"And now abide faith, hope, love,
these three; but the greatest
of these is love."
-- I Cor. 13:13
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